Connecting the world for better outcomes

Connecting the world for better outcomes

Using the flow of data to improve how people live, work and play.

Connexin is on a mission to connect the real world with the digital world to improve the way we live.

Ralph Varcoe

Chief Growth Officer, Connexin



Connexin, a fast-growing digital infrastructure provider and IoT specialist, has a successful track record of building and operating smart infrastructure and connectivity services for individuals, businesses, communities and councils.

A smarter world

The Internet of Things (IoT) is helping to connect physical devices to the internet. We spoke to Ralph Varcoe, Connexin’s Chief Growth Officer, about how IoT solutions can be used to improve the way people live, work and play.

Connecting people and things

By deploying IoT solutions that connect devices over any network and platform, often with low power consumption, Connexin is helping organisations create smart places, utilities, logistics and healthcare.

Connexin can provide individual IoT elements, or a fully integrated end-to-end solution. Ralph explains: “We’ll source and install the sensors, connect and transport the data across our network and then make the real magic happen.”

Its AI-driven platform (ConnexinOS) allows organisations to combine external and internal data to identify cause and effect and spot trends. It transforms the data into user-friendly intelligence, which enables better ways of doing things.

Smarter places

Connexin is using IoT to help local authorities and city councils, including Hull, Sheffield and Sunderland, create smart cities and communities.


“IoT is all about connecting things to the internet, particularly sensors that measure something – such as traffic and pedestrian movement, waste management and disposal, road surface temperatures, air quality, or humidity inside buildings.” Ralph explains.


For example, Connexin provides Hull City council with network infrastructure and ConnexinOS for use across traffic, waste management and flood monitoring.


It launched the UK’s first integrated smart city platform (ISCP), which allows Hull to bring together data from various services into a single platform, enabling the council to operate more efficiently.

Smarter utilities

Connexin is also working with various utility companies to create smart water networks that enable them to better manage water leakages, pollution incidents, consumption and energy use. Connexin is currently working with Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water.

“Implementing advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) water meters, which are connected to a network and frequently transmit data, enables more regular meter readings which allow leaks to be spotted faster, helping to conserve precious water resources,” says Ralph, “it also provides companies with more accurate billing and better revenue flows.”

Focused on outcomes

Ralph believes the biggest IoT implementation challenge for most organisations is that they simply don’t know where to start: “That’s why we prefer to work in partnership with customers to find the right solutions – always starting with understanding the problem(s) they face. The technology aspect is a secondary consideration – don’t buy an IoT solution or platform until you know what your intended outcome is.”

He says organisations are also accumulating huge amounts of data through IoT, which they often don’t know how to use. “To overcome this challenge, once we’ve identified the desired outcome, we focus on the data – what already exists, and what else is needed to drive change – and consider how to integrate this information to deliver useful insights and intelligence.”

Working with Barclays

IoT and data can help create a smarter world, for example, our new Corporate app gives clients access to their banking when and where they need it. You can view accounts and balances on the go, use a mobile device as an alternative to physical hardware devices to login to online banking and, in the future, approve payments on the go using the app.

Organisations can also benefit from our Eagle Labs who work with startups and scaleups to help them to succeed and scale.

Barclays has a range of solutions to support our customers if you’d like to know more about how we could help your business please contact our team.

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See how IoT can help organisations make data-informed decisions

Enabling real-time decision making

Real-time decision making

See how KX uses technology and real-time analytics to help organisations manage their data and capitalise on IoT opportunities.

A connected world

A connected world

Looking at the opportunities provided by the Internet of Things and how IoT can help organisations make data-informed decisions.