In partnership with Financial Times Longitude

In partnership with Financial Times Longitude

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Regional commitment

We're committed to help you see the big picture, whilst staying in the detail.

Get responsive, on the ground support from our industry specialists and our dedicated corporate banking teams - for your business, on your doorstep. With deep local knowledge and connections, we’re in every region understanding the challenges and opportunities your business might face.

Our regional presence means that we can support your business right at the heart of the action. Using our local insight and knowledge, we’re able to provide the expertise where your business needs it most.

Andrea Delay

Head of Mid Corporate Banking, Barclays

What is Big Picture Banking?

At Barclays Corporate Banking, we give clients the big picture. We look beyond numbers, revealing ideas and opportunities.
We can help you embrace change, expand business horizons and explore what tomorrow looks like for you.

Is it time to change your perspective?

At Barclays Corporate Banking

we have the banking excellence you’d expect

and much more besides.

By looking beyond banking

and beyond numbers

we see trends that others don’t.

We discover insights

uncover ideas

and reveal opportunities

to help you see what really matters.

With our dedicated regional and sector specialists

and the power of the wider Barclays network

we can act on those insights together,

helping you achieve a more expansive,

better-connected future for your business.

See things differently.

Big Picture Banking

Why choose Barclays Corporate Banking?


We provide market insight and identify opportunities across various industries, UK regions, and the communities we’re embedded in. Ready to plan your next move?


We provide a complete spectrum of solutions to enable your business to transact and trade easily, manage risks efficiently and finance its plans for growth.

Get in Touch

Request a call back from our regional experts and see how they can help you develop bespoke strategies for managing your business.

Less than £6.5m turnover

Find out more information on how to open a business account.

International companies, please visit https://www.ib.barclays/contact-us.html

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